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Séminaire Athanasios PAPAIONNOU

Séminaire / Recherche

Le 20 février 2025

Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Domaine universitaire


Athanasios PAPAIONNOU : Professeur en psychologie du sport, École de l'éducation physique et des sciences du sport, Université de Thessalie

                                    Jeudi 20 février 2025 à 14H, UFR STAPS en Salle des Actes

Titre: Exploring Self-Transcendence in Achievement Goals in Physical Education: Importance for Well-Being and Social Outcomes

Description : Self-transcendence (ST) involves shifting focus beyond the self, fostering a connection with others and nature, expanding self-awareness, reducing self-interest to serve the greater good, and acting in alignment with moral values (Barton & Hart, 2023). It has been conceptualized as a motive (Frankl, 1982), a value (Schwartz, 1992), or emotion (Stellar et al., 2017), and is recognized as a key determinant of prosocial behavior and well-being.
However, ST has rarely been considered as an achievement goal complementing the traditional mastery and performance goals (Nicholls, 1989; Elliot, 1999). We developed a measure of the ST achievement goal in physical education (Papaioannou & Krommidas, 2020) and found that it accounted for unique variance in various well-being indices, beyond empathy, perceived competence, mastery, and performance goals.
A cross-cultural study (Greece, Malaysia, Portugal) confirmed the measurement's invariance and highlighted ST's role in predicting vitality and intentions to help others stay physically active. Further research showed that ST goal adoption fully mediated the effects of perceived mastery and ST climates on social efficacy and socially shared regulation (Sereli & Papaioannou, 2024). Interestingly, mastery goals became non-significant predictors, while performance goals were negatively associated with shared regulation when ST goals were included.
These findings suggest that ST goals and climates offer a promising new framework for understanding how achievement goal structures can harmoniously promote both achievement and adaptive social outcomes in educational and sports settings.


Le 20 février 2025


Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Domaine universitaire

Publié le 11 février 2025

Mis à jour le 11 février 2025